1821 Little Revolution in Education

The main elements of the project

We welcome you to the extremely innovative Action “Small Revolution in education: We highlight the digital skills of the Greeks of Tomorrow”, which involves 1821 school units throughout Greece and was designed by the Ministry of Education, and is implemented by the Municipality of Trikkaia with the funding of the Program ” Antonis Tritsis”.

In the context of the implementation of the Action concerning the training of teachers and the production of auxiliary materials and which STEM Education has undertaken to implement, each school unit will designate at least 2 teachers, who will attend an 8-hour training program. At the same time, they will receive accompanying educational material.

This Action attempts to highlight the digital skills of the next generations of the country. Inspired by the lessons and values of the Greek Revolution of 1821, after 200+ years, a small revolution will take place with digital tools as munitions and “winners” now, those who will utilize their full potential.

Having the conviction that Greece can lead such actions, investing first in the new generations, in a bottom-up approach, we believe that Greece can also be a strong wheel in the vehicle that will lead us to the 4th industrial revolution.

The Action foresees the participation of students from 1821 schools in Greece (selected primary and secondary schools), it is estimated that it will activate more than 49,500 students throughout Greece and more than 4,000 teachers who will have the role of coach of the teams that will be created.

In particular, 1,050 educational units of primary education, as well as 771 of secondary education, have been selected in all the municipalities of the country by the Ministry of Education – Programmatic Agreement.

The project will essentially create the start of education of the educational community (teachers – students) in educational robotics and is divided into 3 phases, as follows:

1st Phase:​

Design and Production of Educational Material.

2nd Phase:

Educator Training with Distance Education to teachers designated by each school, who will attend 2 educational webinars of a total duration of 8 hours.

3rd Phase:

Organization of the 13 Regional Competitions, as well as the Panhellenic STEM Competition 2024. In particular, 13 competitions are planned, one per Region, in which school teams from each Region will participate. The groups that will come will present their constructions and their project using the equipment they have received. Attendance at the Regional Competitions takes place within the framework of this Action, in order to give the opportunity to as many students as possible to present their constructions by participating in the biggest celebration of STEM & Educational Robotics in Greece.

The videos of the lessons

Here you will find the videos of the 1821 project lessons for High School and Elementary.

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Students' Work
in class 1821,
in the context of the Panhellenic
and International Educational Robotics competition

March 30 & 31, 2024.