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Portal STEM Education Forum

Συζητήσεις για διαγωνισμούς/Discussions about contests
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Welcome to the official STEM Education Forum.


TERMS OF USE: In the event of a member posting content to the group, the member must ensure that:

  • The elements and content posted in the group should not offend, defame or abuse other members of the group, other visitors to the website and the Internet in general, as well as to follow the laws, good manners and manners of using the Internet.
  • Given the nature of the group, all content posted by each member must be free of inappropriate content
  • The content that is posted must be characterized by respecting and ensuring the freedom of expression of each member of the group and the Internet in general.


The administrators of the group have the right, if they become aware, to remove from the group material or part of material, which violates this regulation.


If a member of the group notices anything that they consider to be against these rules, they can inform their administrators about it.